Promoting employers' social services in social dialogue
The project is the follow up of the project PESSIS (2011-2012) and represents the second step of a longer term process aiming at establishing a representative platform for employers in the social services sector at European level.The project is supported by a broad partnership of European and national organisations representing social and health services providers, in close cooperation with the European Federation of Public Service Unions (EPSU).It is a European project funded by the European Commission’s Programme on Industrial Relations and Social Dialogue.
General Objective
The project focuses on the social and economic role of the social services sector and its major contribution to employment and growth in Europe. The extended mapping exercise, the SWOT analysis and the discussion at national and EU level should ultimately lead to the creation of a sectoral social dialogue committee at European level representing the employers of social services and trade unions representing the workers in the sector.
The project lasts 12 months
(1 November 2013 – 30 October 2014)
Specific Objectives
1. To deepen the knowledge on social dialogue in the social and health sector in Europe by extending the research area to 6 additional countries in Central, Eastern, Southern Europe and Scandinavia;
2. To build capacity on the employers’ side of the social and health sector in selected countries and to test their will in joining European Social Dialogue;
3. To understand the best ways in which to build social dialogue structures at European levelThis project aims to update the existing information and data in at least 12 EU Member States, identifying practices and experiences which might help the sector to structure itself as employers’ representative.
Project Partners

Final Conference
Social Dialogue in the Social Services Sector in Europe, by Jane Lethbridge, University of Greenwich
Roadmap towards European Social Dialogue for the social services sector, by Thomas Bignal, EASPD
Supporting documents:
Briefing on European Social Dialogue for Employers in the Social Services sector
Briefing paper on European Social Dialogue, by Jane Lethbridge, University of Greenwich
Annex to Briefing paper on European Social Dialogue, by Mathias Maucher, EPSU
Social Dialogue in the Hospital Sector at EU level, by Jane Lethbridge, University of Greenwich
National research reports
National Outcomes of discussions:
The Netherlands
European Outcome of discussions
Seminar Report (5 June 2014)
First Issue - April 2014
Second Issue - July 2014
Third Issue - September 2014
Fourth Issue - October 2014
Project leader:
Handelsstraat/Rue du Commerce 72
1040 Brussels
+32 2 282 46 10