Past Projects
The HELPDESK is a 2-years project funded by the European Commission to launch the building blocks for a Social Services Helpdesk. The proposed Helpdesk will have two main priorities:
1. to support social services in accessing and using EU funds (ESF+, ERDF and ReactEU in particular);
2. to help Managing Authorities use EU funds (ESF+, ERDF and ReactEU in particular) to finance quality interventions in the field of social services.

The project focuses on the creation of a European network representing employers in the social services sector (from the social economy). It ensures that social services employers become recognised social partners at European level and take part in the European Social Dialogue (ESD). Bringing this relevant workforce into ESD will strengthen European Social Dialogue as a whole and improve its coverage of the EU workforce. It is a European project funded by the European Commission’s Programme on Industrial Relations and Social Dialogue. The project lasts 24 months (15 November 2015 – 15 November 2017)

PESSIS is an European project funded by the European Commission Programme Industrial relations and Social dialogue.The project, running from January to September 2012, is supported by a broad partnership of European and national organisations (see section Project partners) representing social and health services providers in close cooperation with the European Trade Union Conferederation (ETUC).

PESSIS+ aims to strengthen the capacity of the Federation of European Social Employers, in view of their participation in European Social Dialogue structures. The project’s main activities will include national events in ten EU Member States to engage with relevant national employers, discussions with trade union organisations in view of setting-up the right structures and research on the state of play of social dialogue structures in social services in 28 EU Member States.

The project is the follow up of the project PESSIS (2011-2012) and represents the second step of a longer term process aiming at establishing a representative platform for employers in the social services sector at European level.The project is supported by a broad partnership of European and national organisations representing social and health services providers, in close cooperation with the European Federation of Public Service Unions (EPSU).It is a European project funded by the European Commission’s Programme on Industrial Relations and Social Dialogue.

The 4Quality! project is a European project seeking to contribute to the improvement of working conditions and of the quality of personal care and household services. It is co-funded by the European Union Programme for Employment and Social Solidarity (PROGRESS) programme and started in October 2014 for a duration of 18 months.