Social Services Europe welcomes this consultation with civil society and social economy actors and the opportunity to submit our feedback to the roadmap, which we hope will be taken into consideration in the upcoming Action Plan on Social Economy.
In the context of the EU’s socio-economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, the implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights and in ensuring fair and just green and digital transitions, the EU must maximise the potential of the social economy sector and its actors, particularly those with a proven social and environmental added value. This context offers an opportunity for a paradigm shift towards an economy of wellbeing that puts people first and values the relevance of the social economy sector. With the right legal, political and financial support, social economy actors, and especially social service providers, can play a crucial role in this recovery and the EU’s social and green agendas. SSE therefore urges the Commission to develop a Social Economy Action Plan that: acknowledges the importance of social service providers as actors in the social economy; and that supports and promotes all social economy actors as strategic partners at local, regional, national and EU level, especially in terms of job creation, social impact, social innovation and social entrepreneurship.
Read here the contribution.